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To test your hook locally, you may use the following makefile.

#!/usr/bin/make -f

include_guard = set
hook = finding-post-processing

include ../../

See Local Deployment for examples how to use the Makefiles.

Available makefile targets

clean-integration-testsResets the integration-tests namespace
unit-testsRun your hook unit tests
docker-buildBuilds your hook
docker-exportExports your hook into a .tar file
kind-importLoads your hook .tar files into your local kind cluster
deployDeploys your hook helm chart into your local kind cluster
deploy-test-depsDeploys your hook's test dependencies (demo-targets) into your local kind cluster
integration-testsDeletes all scans and runs your integration test scanners/SCANNER_NAME.test.js

Configuring your makefile (examples)

Adding test dependencies (demo-targets)

#!/usr/bin/make -f

include_guard = set
hook = generic-webhook

include ../../

deploy-test-deps: deploy-test-dep-http-webhook deploy-test-dep-test-scan

@echo ".: 💾 Deploying '$(name)' $(hook-prefix) HelmChart with the docker tag '$(IMG_TAG)' into kind namespace 'integration-tests'."
helm -n integration-tests upgrade --install ro-hook . \
--set="$(IMG_NS)/$(hook-prefix)-$(name)" \
--set="hook.image.tag=$(IMG_TAG)" \

@echo ".: 🩺 Starting integration test in kind namespace 'integration-tests'."
kubectl -n integration-tests delete scans --all
cd ../../tests/integration/ && npm ci && npx --yes --package jest@$(JEST_VERSION) jest --verbose --ci --colors --coverage --passWithNoTests generic/read-only-write-hook.test.js

This adds the http-webhook demo-target to your integration tests. deploy-test-dep-test-scan is a sample scanner used in most hook integration tests.

The above makefile also overrides the integration-test target such that it references the generic folder as a test suite.

Changing the unit test language

#!/usr/bin/make -f

include_guard = set
hook = persistence-defectdojo

include ../../

@$(MAKE) -s unit-test-java

You can choose from: unit-test-js unit-test-py unit-test-java.